Speed Dependent Automatic Zooming

Validation level: 5. CHI, UIST, CSCW and TOCHI paper publication

Speed-Dependent Automatic Zooming is a navigation technique for browsing large documents that integrates rate-based scrolling with automatic zooming. The view automatically zooms out when the user scrolls rapidly so that the perceptual scrolling speed in screen space remains constant.

Copy Bibtex Igarashi, T. and Hinckley, K. Speed-dependent Automatic Zooming for Browsing Large Documents. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages 139-148, ACM, New York, NY, USA, UIST '00 , 2000.
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Users viewing a large document (map in this case) want to navigate it from a stationary position.

From the desired position, they engage in the Speed-dependent Stationary Scrolling and the more the users move the mouse (or another pointing device) relative to the starting point the more the zoom decreases.

That serves the purpose to maintain the absolute scrolling speed, but increasing the relative while at the same time giving the users spatial cues.

Subjective Evaluation of the difference between Automatic (proposed) and Manual Zooming on Maps.
Subjective Evaluation of the difference between Automatic (proposed) and Manual Zooming on Web Documents.

With this technique, the user can quickly perform a joint pan and zoom operations on continuous spatial data with a relatively high degree of accuracy.


This technique is especially useful with spatial and continuous data, which contain visual landmarks. Being able to maintain reference points across frames helps the user in fast movements. For non-spatial information, the technique is limited usefulness.