Occlusion based interaction methods for tangible augmented reality environments

Validation level: 4. Other peer-reviewed paper publication

In order to make it possible to interact with Augmented Reality objects, an occlusion based interaction method was implemented. By having markers and occluding them with for example the finger, actions and commands can be triggered.

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Storyboard of Functions

Tangible AR board game

Tangible AR calculator and tic-tac-toe game A 2D grid of markers can also be used without the tip point detections. The image shows a simple game in which users can push the virtual balls with their bare hands. A vector field flowing from the occluded region to the non-occluded is calculated (drawn in red lines) and the ball movements are accelerated according to this vector field.

Tip point detection problem: from the blob of occluded markers, it is difficult to tell where the user is actually pointing to. To solve this problem, a heuristic method was applied; selecting the top-left marker from among the occluded marker set.

  • Occlusion based interaction
  • Visual occlusion of physical markers are used to provide intuitive two dimensional interaction in Tangible AR environments.